Process through to product launch - China as the starting point
China - many thousands of kilometers from Germany and a completely different world. Most of the cell phone / smartphone productions take place in China. The same applies to smartphone accessories, especially iPhones.
Two members of the CellBee team have been to China for the third time and talk about their experiences and how a CellBee® product is ready for the market. Of course, this only applies to the injection process. If there is a specific idea from a customer or if it comes up in the CellBee® team, this will of course be implemented directly and without the first step.
China - another world.
Markets are traded, which can be imagined as department stores, only correspondingly less beautiful than in Europe. Everyone tries to sell you their goods and you can sometimes recognize the products from Ebay or Amazon. This is either due to the fact that a German seller does not produce himself but trades or because of the many Chinese people who hang around on German marketplaces such as Ebay and Amazon. Say there is a producer and many resellers. You can often find them in the electronics markets.
(A typical picture in Chinese electronics markets.)
Correct procedure
At CellBee, however, we do not only work as dealers, we also play our part in the product. So it is probably very interesting for you to see how we work. First you go to the market and look around. What is being sold in particular, which products are appealing to us. You take these and consider what improvements are necessary to bring these products to "CellBee® quality". That means we first develop the specifications for the products on the computer with drawings and then sit down with one of the various producers to work out the details and discuss what is possible.
Then the sampling process begins. The first "prototype" is built and tested. Usually 2-3 stages of improvement then take place here. Incidentally, this explains why we at CellBee® often need very long development processes for new products. However, we are now much faster because our producers have tuned in to our ideas.
When the sampling process is complete, our testers come into play. For this purpose, we have set up a tester file from which we select the right testers. 5-10 testers then regularly receive our products to give us feedback about the products after about a month. Then we decide whether we will mass-produce or not.
Hard facts & website
Then it is important to set a fair sales price. Due to the above process, our products require slightly higher prices than the competition, but as a customer you get absolute top quality and a 100% innovative product.
The last step is to select the appropriate representations for the website and to write descriptions. Our copywriter does this in cooperation with the graphic designer.