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Dark Mode in iOS 13 - Warum Apple mitziehen sollte

Dark Mode in iOS 13 - Why Apple should go along with it

Dark Mode in iOS 13 - Warum Apple mitziehen sollte

Dark Mode in iOS 13 - Why Apple should go along with it

There has been a desire for a so-called "dark mode" in iOS for several years. Up to now Apple has not built this directly into iOS and with iOS 13 Apple should really introduce this "night mode". ...

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Apple stellt möglicherweise überarbeiteten Mac Pro auf der WWDC vor

Apple may unveil redesigned Mac Pro at WWDC

Apple will update the Mac Pro at WWDC19. Furthermore, Apple will also present its own display, which comes with HDR support, 6k resolution and mini-LED lighting.

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Netflix streicht AirPlay Support - Statement von Netflix

Netflix cancels AirPlay support statement from Netflix

Netflix removes AirPlay support from the iOS application: a comment on the reactions on the internet. There is also the official statement why Netflix has removed AirPlay support.

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It's show time: Apple Special Event Zusammenfassung

It's show time: Apple Special Event Summary

A summary of the " It's show time " event from Apple. Which services were all presented and how much will they cost?

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It's show time live mitverfolgen - so geht's

Follow it's show time live - that's how it works

Apple is holding its first Special Event 2019 on 25. March and you can follow the event live and even in German.

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It's Showtime: Apple lädt zum Special Event am 25. März
Apple News

It's Showtime: Apple invites you to the special event on March 25th

Apple invites you to a special event in the Steve Jobs Theater in Cupertino in Apple Park. In addition to new iPads, we also expect a few other products from Apple that you may no longer be expecting.

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Gerüchte iPhone 2019 - Drei-fach Kamera und OLED Displays

Rumors iPhone 2019 - triple camera and OLED displays

All the rumors about the new iPhones from Apple for 2019. Triple camera, smaller notch, longer battery life and much more. You can find out everything we know about the new 2019 models in the blog

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Apple nun in Indien?

Apple now in India?

Apple is said to have relocated its production from China to India. You can find out the background to this in the blog.

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Wird es einen iPhone SE Nachfolger geben?

Will there be a successor to the iPhone SE?

The iPhone 5, 5s and SE loved and bought for their size. Will there be a successor in 2019?

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Apple stellt Ex-Manager von Microsoft für die Smart-Home Sparte ein

Apple hires ex-Microsoft managers for the smart home division

Ex-Microsoft manager now works at Apple. Due to his experience in the smart home area, we can expect some exciting innovations and maybe also new products from Apple itself in the near future.

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